AIR21 Basketball League

BRING A “NEXT GENERATION” EXPERIENCE TO ALL ATHLETES who want to learn, compete, and have fun.

We create an environment where Players Play, Coaches Coach, and Parents Cheer.

Our Cause

100% of the profits go to Golden Age Sports and Business, Inc. a charitable organization dedicated to providing sports to low-income families.

Our Mission



Our tone is casual and conversational, but we’re experts on the subject. The reason we run our league the way we do is because we know what’s so wrong with the alternatives. We’ll earn your trust.


We bring something new to the table: leagues that are competitive, fun, and inclusive; environments where players play, coaches coach, and parents cheer. We’re not afraid to be bold and buck the past. “Traditional” isn’t for us.


Playing sports can help build confidence in kids, but they need the right environment. That’s what we provide. And it’s not just us, it’s our proud partner, Under Armour. With their support and the premium perks they give our players, Everyone Gets Better.


The psychological power of 3 is everywhere. People think in 3’s, learn in 3’s, rank in 3’s. 

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3, not 1, 2, 3, 4. It’s Gold, Silver, Bronze. It’s Pre, During, Post. Dribble, pass, shoot. The list goes on.

Point is, we’ve created AIR21 Basketball to harness the power of 3, giving athletes what they want and what will make them better:

More RUNS.

The more the athletes get to play against other kids, the better they’ll get. It’s simple and it’s fun. Also, since we play 3-on-3, full courts are used more efficiently—more games over fewer time slots. Your player will get more run than she/he would in any other league

More REPS.

Reps are repetitions. That can mean touches, shots, passes, defensive possessions…OPPORTUNITIES. With 3-on-3, each teammate MUST be utilized to the max of their abilities. Less players, more reps. More reps, better player. (And, again, more FUN.)


Rewards mean something different to everyone. Maybe winning, maybe skills development, or maybe just getting to play a game they love. Playing hoops builds fitness and mental toughness, but it’s also proven to make kids happier. That’s pretty rewarding.


-6 Week Season (Sunday Evenings)

-3v3 Format Develops Proper Fundamentals

-1 Hour Clinic Every Week Before Gameplay

-Small roster sizes = everyone plays

-Quality reps every game to improve critical skills

-Each player gets an Under Armour jersey

-Each team gets a AIR21 basketball

-Certified officials used at every game; NOT moms, dads, or coaches

-Under Armour affiliation strengthens league

  • Cost: $125 per season

    Early Bird Cost: $100 *must be at least three weeks before start date

    100% of the profits go to Golden Age Sports and Business, Inc. a charitable organization dedicated to providing sports to low-income families.

  • The clinics and games are weekly, seasons are 6 weeks long. The clinics are scheduled before gameplay and last about 1 hour. The games are after the clinic and all scheduled games last about 2 hours. Independent coaches can hold practice with their teams but that is optional, the clinics are the practices operated by the league.

  • The teams play 2 games per week. The teams play 10-12 games per season including championship week.

    • Matchups will be provided a week prior to the first scheduled game.

    • 2-30 second timeouts will be automatic (at 13 minutes and 7 minutes) for substitutions and rest.

    • 1-1 minute timeout which is optional for the coach at any time within the 20 minutes.

    • Dead ball substitutions are fine but never for a player that has not been in for at least 4 minutes in length.

    • If a team only has 2 athletes, the game will be played 2 v 2; if a team only has 1 athlete the game will be forfeited, the team with at least 2 athletes will be credited for the win. and the athletes present from both teams will play 2 v 2. If both teams only have 1 athlete the game will be forfeited and credited as a tie. 

    • Division 1 does not have to pass the ball in after checking the ball up. All other divisions do.

    • There are no personal foul limits. The team foul limit is 7. If the team foul limit is reached each foul after is 1 point and 1 free throw with a change in possession.

    • If a player is fouled while shooting and they make the shot, it is an automatic 3 points, change in possession.

    • If the player is fouled while shooting and they miss the shot, it is an automatic 1 point and 1 free throw, change in possession.

    • Man to Man defense only. No zone.

    • Double teaming and playing help defense is permitted.

    • The clock stops each dead ball under 2 minutes.

    • Teams overall record is the primary determining factor in standings.

    • In case of ties, point difference is the next determining factor.  The low is capped at -15 and the high is capped at +15.

    • In case of ties within the point difference, the final determining factor is total points scored. 

    • Player receives Under Armour custom jersey

    • Team receives a AIR21 basketball

    • 10-12 game seasons plus playoff tournament (2-3 games), playoffs are single elimination. 

    • Each night teams play 2-20 minutes games (teams play 2 different teams per night for 20 minutes each)

    • 3 v 3 format for developing dribbling, passing, shooting and defending

    • Man to Man defense only!

    • 3-5 player rosters so everyone plays every game!

    • Practices are voluntary and organized by the independent coaches. Clinics are free and act as practices for the players with an independent coach.

    • NO Tryouts. NO Drafts. Rosters are formed by "friend" or "coach" request. Single players will be placed on teams with some similarity and familiarity such as same school, neighborhood, organization, etc. as the other players on the team.

    • Trophies are awarded to the Champions of each division

  • Teams are formed by participants requesting "friends" and "coaches" to play for during the season. All requests must be given on the registration form. We will work to meet your special requests, but we do not guarantee that any or all of your requests will be met. REFUNDS will not be given if AIR21 Basketball is unable to meet your special requests.

    Single players will be placed on teams based on some form of familiarity through the same school, sport organization, neighborhood, etc.

    Teams can join the league but each team is 3-5 players within the league. For example, if a team enters the league that has a 10 player roster, that team will be split into two 5 players rosters.

  • AIR21 Basketball offers the following refunds within these specific timelines. All refund requests must be submitted by email to your League Commissioner.

    • FULL or 100% registration fee refund if requested before uniforms are ordered for the league which occurs 3 weeks prior to start date.

    • HALF or 50% registration fee refund if requested after uniforms are ordered and prior to the 2nd game of the season not 2nd week of the season.

    • NO REFUND request submitted and processed after the 2nd game of the season

  • Players must wear shorts with NO pockets.

    Under Armour AIR21 Uniforms are provided. Also, they are required and expected.

    • Most of the coaches are volunteers and are not provided by the AIR21 Basketball League. The staff of 21 Elite Sports Training are provided to the AIR21 Basketball League.

    • All Coaches and Volunteers must provide the League Commissioner of your league with a current AIR21 Basketball Coaches certification and background check.
      If you need to update or obtain both, please select BE A COACH tab on the homepage of
      under the "Inside 21 Elite" tab.

    • Safety is our main concern for our players, and we want to make sure we have proper and safe coaches.

Do you have any questions? Contact us.